22 September, 2008

Miguel is 8 mths 4 days old today.
He is starting to crawl real fast from last week..
Getting more & more steady when sitting.. at least he will not topple left and right.
But getting worried cos when he starts to crawl..
he starts to bump here and there..
You see, he is still not so steady but he seems too eager to learn
to stand up and cruise.. Oh my.. slow down boy..
wait more bumps.. (**wooo~~ heart pain, heart pain**)
He is also teething well, when he was 6 mth, first tooth start showing..
Tat was when he start having bad bad fever. highest record was 39.2 celsuis. :(
He start groaning~~ He was so hot when I cuddle him.. heart ache again.. :(
only way out is to let him soak in bath tub to cool him down.. It works wonder!!
don believe in those cooling gel sold in phamarcy, useless one man!!
Well, now visually can see 1 tooth below & 2 teeth had start growing above..
hehe.. so cute..
One more good news, my new hm at Atrina is ready!!
woo~~ cant wait to shift in, but also bit worried..
have to shuttle up and down if I bring Miguel hm with me everyday.
Donno can handle anot.. And chucks of household to be done if really move in :(
have to wash and iron clothes.. sweep and mop the floor... tidy the hse..
wow.. think also sian..
no more mummy~~ here & mummy~~ there..
shall treasure the time at my old good Bedok Nth..