23 March, 2006

Was taking a ride in dad's car in the morning ..
The radio were on this topic on one's fear..
weird case in the states that a gal was diagnosed to have phobia on ...
Greens Beans.. Green Beans??? hahaha.. funny~~
don laugh at people.. er hemmm..
People who know me all knew i hate CATS!!
ok..ok.. I fear CATS~~~ don ask me why..
the word CAT can make me uncomfortable..
the thought of CAT make my skin crawl..
the sight of CAT can make me run thousands of miles away~~
A little paraniod i must say, i always imagine that there might be cats jus under my bed..
under the cars or just round the corner of void decks.. -_-''' eeeeeee
because my block seems to have the most cats in the estate..
ma chiam the cats interchange like that.. you can see them everywhere..
the DJs were talking about overcoming your fear..
BULLSHIT lah.. I never wanna overcome the fear.. why must overcome??
you give me a million dollars i also don wan ah..
er... wait.. maybe i will try lo.. haha.. $$$$
People always ask why the phobia of cats?? is it i have bad experience??
my answer shld be like "oh, i kanna bite by cats before,
so i fear cats.. blah blah blah.." But.... don have leh... why ah?? i also puzzled.
So wat are your fears????