27 December, 2005

24 DEC 2005 XMAS EVE
had xmas celebration on the eve at da jie new house..
its always so fun to celebrate xmas with my family..
with all ah yi(s), yi zhang(s), their grandchildren and cousins..
with lotsa good food also.. Mum's fried bee hoon n curry chicken.. yummy~~~
da jie fried nuggets, chicken wing, prawns, fishball, etc...
when my god ma (3rd auntie) came, i was surprise that she actually prepared xmas present for all..
even me n my sis also have.. haha.. tot only children have xmas present.. :) felt like a kid again...
played mahjong with ser, her bf zhiwei, popo n bf.. not bad won some $$$$. heehee..
after tat we played cards 21 points with yi zhang(s)..
mum, ah yi(s), n da jie were chatting at the dining area..
cousins were playing n running ard the house..
Sooo warmth... tat's christmas is all about.. spending time with loved ones..
feeling was so much different from yelling 10,9,8,7.....3,2,1... at the pub drinkuing away..
26 DEC 2005 XMAS DAY
candy's customary wedding.. shall post up the pic soon..
very tired.. super tired.. sibei tired..
woke up at 420AM.. make up, get changed..
i m sharing cab with one of the jie mei.. Evelyn (candy's colleagues)
we move off at 5AM, reach Sengkang ard 530AM.. FREAKING EARLY lo...
the groom came picking up the bride ard 6.10AM.. 10 cars start honking!!!
can u imagine?? think kanna curse by neigbours man..
the "open door" $$ sibei pathetic lo.. $18.25 each jie mei..
wah lau...not enough pay my hairdo n cab fare lo..
never mind.. its the waiting time tat kills us..
6.15: fetch bride / "play" the groom
BY 7am: must reach groom's house..
(no relative there yet cos too early, we do nothing, wait for sunrise dan can go outdoor take photo)
8 plus: leave groom's house to take outdoor pic.. (at Sengkang's church n Punggol Marina beach)
10 plus: reach groom's place.. still no relative here.. wah.. siao ah.. wait again..
11-12: tea ceremony..
AFTER 1PM: dan can leave groom's house to bride's house..
1.30PM: bride's house, also no relative reach yet... oh my god.. all the time we are waiting lo..
2.15PM: buay tahan liao. we decide we stay also no use.. finally can go home liao...